Genealogy on the Internet |
Home | Family Tree | Archives | Search | Map | Surnames | Author | - RootsWeb resources: 100,000-entry Roots Surname List, ROOTS-L Resources and State pages, Olive Tree Genealogy ship lists, and much more. Family Search - search the Family History Library's database, which contains millions of names; a project of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Genealogy Research - offering genealogy resources, news, and search. Genealogy Home Page, The Vital Records Information State Index Helm's Genealogy Toolbox - includes genealogical software profiles, search engines, digitized images, how-to articles, queries, and genealogical news stories. GeneaNet - genealogy database of surnames dating before 1850. About: Genealogy - resource guide with weekly articles, how-to library, family history resource library, and more. Ancient Faces - offers an exchange for family, mystery, and military photos stories and recipes. Genealogy's Most Wanted - surnames and all known and available information on a person that is "most wanted". About: Genealogy - resource guide with weekly articles, how-to library, family history resource library, and more. Ancestors - a family history and genealogy television series. Ancestors' Attic - tips, tools, charts, forms, vital records, newspapers, maps, libraries, etc. . . for beginners & the experienced alike. Genealogy Research - offering genealogy resources, news, and search. Ancient Faces - offers an exchange for family, mystery, and military photos stories and recipes. Brief Human Histories - provides a place to record and anonymously post personal history. Brother's Keeper Genealogy - genealogy program to help you organize your family information. Caleb Johnson's Mayflower Web Pages - contains passenger lists, genealogies on Mayflower passengers, historical documents, and information about the Pilgrims' lives and times. - offers users information on Chinese genealogy and guides them to creating their own. Common Threads - searchable database of surname queries. - worldwide genealogy query database for helping people trace their ancestry, locate distant relatives, and get help with difficult genealogical research. Cyberancestors - forum for exchange of family history and links to other genealogy sites. DearMYRTLE's Genealogy Page - excerpts from the daily column on AOL. Documentation and Publications - how to document and publish Genealogy and Family History, with listings of scholarly Internet tools, resources and examples. Family History Technology Laboratory - lab at Brigham Young University focusing on developing computing technologies for family history research. Family Name - chronicles the surprising twists and turns of the director's search for the descendants of the slaves and slave owners who lived on the plantations once owned by his family. Family Search - search the Family History Library's database, which contains millions of names; a project of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Family Tree Searcher - search multiple web sites for genealogy information. Family Web - suggested public-domain HTML format for displaying family trees/genealogy on the WWW. Free-B-Kins - web graphics for genealogy lovers. Individual pics, templates and thematic groups. Genchat - message board for genealogists. GenCircles - uses SmartMatching technology to link ancestors in their Global Tree. GENDEX - an enterprise devoted to advancing the progress of family history and genealogy research on the World Wide Web. Genealogy and History - genealogy links to all internet resources. Genealogy Exchange & Surname Registry Genealogy for All - genealogy research for all surnames. Genealogy for WebTV? Start Here! - designed for WebTV with searchable genealogy databases. Genealogy Forum on AOL - family history, Civil War history, surname center, file library, genealogy chat, beginners' help, and more. Genealogy Gateway - offers research of family ancestory with genealogy software and free searches. Genealogy Helplist - volunteers are willing to help others by looking up specific items at institutions near them, or help supply other information easily accessible to them. Genealogy Home Page, The Genealogy Hotline - intended to help answer your family tree questions. Genealogy Infocenter Genealogy Software Springboard - contains user reviews of genealogy software programs; program description, contact, info, system requirements & more are listed. Genealogy Trading Post - find someone who needs research where you are and trade research work with them. Genealogy's Most Wanted - surnames and all known and available information on a person that is "most wanted". Genealogy: Advice for Effective Searches - offers customized search advice and hints on using genealogy records to create a research plan. GeneaNet - genealogy database of surnames dating before 1850. GenForum - online genealogy forum with topics ranging from specific surnames to regions of the world. GenSwap - post queries, data swaps, links to online data, and professional genealogists. GenTutor - This page is for genealogists, family historians, and persons interested in American history and geography. It offers advice and links to related home pages. Gone But Not Forgotten - resource for both research and publication of genealogy data. Helm's Genealogy Toolbox - includes genealogical software profiles, search engines, digitized images, how-to articles, queries, and genealogical news stories. I Dream of Genealogy - collection of free genealogy databases, famous genealogies, lost and found items, free family tree evaluations, and more. International Internet Genealogical Society University - genealogical research in Australia, with online classes available for researching your family history on the Internet. Internet Genealogy - information on Polish, German, German-Prussian, German-Russian, Prussian & Irish information on the internet. Irene's Gemealogy Web Page - also Fitzgerald, Lebart, Monrian, Turnier, Wasko, and Wuest. Jolts Genealogy Magazine - hub for researchers looking to share not only their data, but their concerns and problems. Kent Invicta - information of interest to genealogists. Kent Peterson's Genealogy Trading Post - family history research tool maintained by Kent Peterson. Knot System, The - method to visualize and document simple and complex relations based on bisexual reproduction. It is a numeric notation of relationship. Land, Weis, Wing, Merck, Ashford, Appleby, and more families - information relevant to Pensacola and panhandle history, including the mahogany boom of the 1900s. Lineages - genealogy reference library and resource center built and maintained by professionals for beginning researchers and experienced family historians. Linkages Kinship DataSets Project - A collection of datasets from around the world, provided by various social science researchers, and provided in visual form (called "P-Graph"s). Project headed by Douglas R. White Ph.D. Lost Husbands Guide to On-Line Genealogy - news, reviews, activities, and more. Lutheran Roots Genealogy Exchange - research and share tips. Mathematics Genealogy Project - with the goal to list all individuals who have received a doctorate in mathematics. News Stand - information, and links for genealogy columns that accept queries and announcements. Notorious Ancestors - chronicles the exploits of famous or not-so-famous ancestors. Olive Tree Genealogy - includes ships' passenger lists, church records, military muster rolls, census records, and more. - offers an interactive genealogy browser, incorporating tools for family news, scrapbooks, calendars, cards, and family trees. Oral History Questions Phil Smith's Genealogy Page - devoted to people researching the same surnames, so they can swap files on the same surnames and make there research a little easier. - RootsWeb resources: 100,000-entry Roots Surname List, ROOTS-L Resources and State pages, Olive Tree Genealogy ship lists, and much more. ShadCat's Free Genealogy Listings - find your roots, add a link to your genealogy related site. Southern Edge Genealogy - resources including census records, cemetery transcriptions, marriage and military records. Surname Site - genealogy information with names, articles, and links. TribalPages - online genealogy service. Tribes, Clans, Families and Genealogy - searchable genealogy site with query board, add your URL, family history and reviewed genealogy homepage links. U.S. Surname Distribution - contains searchable database and map illustrating the distribution of names in US, based on census data. USGenWeb Project - consisting of a group of volunteers working together to provide Internet websites for genealogical research in every county and every state in the US. Vital Records Information State Index World Roots Genealogy Archive - information and resources for genealogy research. Yigal Rechtman: Mostly Genealogy - genealogy resources: Lomza, Poland; Augustow/Augostow, Austria; Chicago Cemetery Index. Your Past Connections - search a database of family documents, birth and marriage certificates, photos, and other history and genealogy related items found at flea markets, garage sales, and auctions. - offers a database of family homepages and genealogy research. Also contains links to web resources and services. |
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